Sunday, June 8, 2014

Summer Volunteers Needed!

The Sagan Satellite is a raised-bed vegetable and herb garden built in the Spring of 2013 with the help of the local community, Avanti students, and the non-profit GRuB.  The garden was built as a supplementary learning and growing space (a ‘satellite’) to the larger Madison-Avanti Giving Garden located behind Madison Elementary school.  We are hoping to grow enough produce in the garden for at least a few of the FarmStand events next year.  We are still a new garden, however, and need your help!  We need volunteers to help take care of the garden over the summer by watering, weeding, and harvesting (take what you will eat and the rest goes to the Food Bank!).  Interested?

Come to the Volunteer Orientation on Saturday, June 14th 10:00am - 1:00pm w/ coffee and snacks!

^We will learn the basics of how to care for the garden, get familiar with the space and tools, and help a student build Pollinator Habitat Boxes for her Girl Scout Gold Award project.

Summer Job Duties:

Hand watering using rain-collector cistern and watering cans

Using hand tools and a binder to identify common weeds.  No experience necessary!

The fun part! When produce seems ready, take home what you can eat, donate the rest to Thurston CountyFood Bank

Sign up for a week!

Ready to get started?!
  • Attend the orientation for volunteers from 10:00am – 1:00pm on Saturday, June 14th in the Sagan Satellite 
    •  3111 Legion Way SE
    • Olympia, WA 98502
  •  Side of Knox Building beside the Madison Elementary School parking lot
  • Sign up for one week in the summer
  •  You (and whoever you bring along!) will be responsible for the garden during that week
  • Visit the garden once or twice every day (if you can): early morning or evening is best

Tips for you week:
  • Tools found in the locked shed. Please put all tools away (make sure they are not wet and are fairly clean)
  •  If needles found: adults may carefully dispose of: place in a hard plastic container with a lid. Email Quasar:
  • Harvested something completely? Need to plant more? Check our planting guide in the shed! Seeds are there too!
  • Document your visit in the Garden Journal found in the tool shed (time/date, what you did, if you harvested or planted anything)
  • Have fun!! Gardening can help you meditate, relax, and give you a positive outlook for the day.

The Climate Around Us

Sophie again!

We are extremely fortunate to be living in such a luscious, moist climate that is minimally drastic in its changes.  Because of our seaside location, in the winter and summer months the winds from the ocean bring cool air across the Northwest.  A unique trait of the Pacific coast is that it is protected against inland weather patterns because of the Cascade mountains.  There are 7 main zones, each one with its own characteristics.  Below is a map that I have drawn depicting these zones (as adapted from:  
Elliott, C., & Peterson, R. (2000). Maritime Northwest Garden Guide. Seattle, WA: Tilth.)